May 4, 2008

Eternal Life

I would like to live forever, because we should not live forever, because if we were ever supposed to live forever, then we would live forever, but we cannot live forever, which is why I would not live forever.

-Miss Alabama, 1994


Keshi said...

I'm forever in a coma now.

after reading that ofcourse lol!

Come check my wknd pics Sol.


APOO said...


I am more concerned about who were the judges when she was declared Miss Alabama?

Vrijilesh Rai said...

I'm pretty sure u won't.. whether u like it or not!

Solitaire said...

@ Keshi,

I don't think you would like to be in a coma forever even if it is possible to be in a coma forever because to be in a coma forever is not possible and that is why you should not be in a coma forever.

Solitaire said...

@ Apoo,

And maybe we should also question how the other contestants were..

Solitaire said...

@ Vrij,

Huh!? Are you talking to me?

Unknown said...

Reminds me of this...

Nobody is perfect...
God only is perfect...
So God is Nobody...
Hence God does not exist....

and also this...

I stink, therefore I am,
Thus the less you stink the less real you are.
Cleanliness is next to godliness;
The cleaner you are the less you stink,
Therefore God doesn't exist.

Can't get more dumber, can it?

Keshi said...

hahahahahaha u crack me up girl!

I still think I can be in a coma forever cos forever is a subjective term that remains forever in each mind even tho some ppl forever dun believe in forever cos forever becomes a drama forever and ever.



Anonymous said...

yeah this one was funny???

you in the running for Miss alabama???

Anonymous said...

it is in the memories tat we live forever... so making sweet memories...will surely have u live forever!

by the way i jus wanna be forgotten though :D

A Benevolent Sultan for Life said...

When asked about the reason why some Americans could not locate the U.S. on a world map
-Miss South Carolina Teen USA Lauren Caitlin

“ I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some people out there in our nation don't have maps, and, uh, I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq everywhere like, such as and I believe that they should, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., er, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future for our children. “

Now you need Solomons wit to understand that .

Nirmal said...

now i got y she was judged a a winner...
her principle is "if u cant convince , confuse them(judges)"..lolss

Keshi said...

btw I didnt know Miss.Alabama 1994 was Paris Hilton.


Solitaire said...

@ Iceman,

Gosh I must be dumb cos I had to read that two times to understand it!

Solitaire said...

@ Keshi,

Was she? They all are her clones anyway!

Sam said...

hopefully hoping we hope that some hopeless person out there would hopefully catch the meaning of this and then lets hope that the person would hopefully have the good sense to hopefully explain teh statement to us lesser hopeful individuals!! :P

Crimson Feet said...

I think she had her brains humped out! :)

Keshi said...

nah I was just saying that cos that FOREVER statement was so ParisHiltonish.



Vrijilesh Rai said...

Talking 2 U and to Ms Alabama 1994!!

AmitL said...

Wow...that's being erudite!!ROFL. Tks for sharing that gem.:)

A said...

Babbar sher!

Pavi!!!! said...

Thnx for providing me my eaary morning laugh Sol! Hahahahaha
How do they make these characters???hahaha

D said...

She said that before becoming Miss Alabama or after that?!

Anonymous said...


the epitome of human excellence;

what a fine example - couldn't get any better than that.

Rià said...

Hey was she trying to make a tongue twister or was she jus givin an example of hw crazily insane can she be! :D

Solitaire said...

@ Humble Devil,

Naah! I was already Miss India earlier. No need to be Miss Alabama.

Solitaire said...

@ Veens,

How come such a sensible answer to a statement that I cannot understand? Did you?

Solitaire said...

@ Tyro,

Hahah!! I have seen that video! It was quite an outrage then!

Solitaire said...

@ Nirmal,

The judges probably felt really stupid for not understanding what she said and thought that was BRILLIANT enough to be Miss Alabama!

Solitaire said...

@ Sam,

Hopefully that hopeless individual hopes to understand this hopeless statement enough to help us hopeless individuals who hopeless talking about this hopeless statement without hope on this hopeful blog.

Solitaire said...

@ Crimson,

"Humped out"..GEEZ!

Solitaire said...

@ Vrij,

If Miss Alabama is alive now, which she should be since she hoped to live forever even though it is not possible to live forever and so she might not live forever, she might read this.

Solitaire said...

@ AmitL,

You are most welcome!!

Solitaire said...

@ Anjuli,

Excuse me?

Solitaire said...

@ Pavi,

Hopefully she was born that way and no one created her..and if they did, those creators should get an award for creating such a genius!

Solitaire said...

@ D,

Who knows!!!?

Solitaire said...

@ anonymous,

Yeah! We would like a few more of those for some good laughs!

Solitaire said...

@ Ria,

Whatever she did, she managed to puzzle us all!

Toon Indian said...

wow..she deserves to be miss Universe :P!!!!

Nitin said...

Hurrrrrraaaayyyyyyyyyyy.. .. Sidhu Praji aaj bhangra karegne... unki beechadi purani Behan mil gaye...

He is a wily fox. But,if we make the fox run,the chicken will become hen---Sidhu

Keshi said...

Sol when will u get to my blog to see my wknd pics? I want u to see my saree :(


Keshi said...

ty for stopping by hun.

hey Bambaiyya come check my ans then ;-)


Keshi said...

Sol aap soni kudi hain, not me. :)


Anonymous said...

Jeez,,,this too intelligent for me to understand!!
*rolling eyes*

Nirmal said...

he he ya without brains.....

accha tell me y dont u try 4 tat...

Solitaire said...

@ Nirmal,

Guess you will never understand why I will not and cannot try for that. And I won't even bother explaining.

Solitaire said...

@ Carolinagal,

Yeah!! Makes us feel dumb!

Solitaire said...

@ Keshi,

Oy kidda?

aMus said...


someone actually said that...?!!!

Crimson Feet said...

lol.... at nirmal's probably innocuous query, and your response!!
hilarious! :)

Solitaire said...

@ Suma,


Solitaire said...

@ Crimson,

Bus you enjoyed na..good!

Keshi said...

ok I so didnt get that my dear soni kudi :(


Sam said...

lolzzz.... :D

Satish Bolla said...

had to read a couple of time to understand. but still my head's spinninggggggggggg

Nirmal said...

y u cant try???......comon dont underestimate ur self...
u r beautiful.....
rest all is perfect.....

ok some other reasons..then dont bother 2 explain...lolss

Solitaire said...

@ Sam,

You smiled!

Solitaire said...

@ Satish,

But you understood?????? Please help us souls to understand too!

Solitaire said...

@ Nirmal,

Rest is not perfect. The dumbness quotient is ZERO.

Pri said...

i find it less complicated to say i wouldent like to live forever ;P

Satish Bolla said...

wht i understood is what everyone els understood that this post is tough to understand and if one tries to still understand it, then i suppose he/she has misunderstood the post thinking that it's understandable.
(I re-read this comment and found it as understandable)

badshah khan said...


Solitaire said...

@ Pri,

So boring doc! Miss Alabama is sooooo intriguing!

Solitaire said...

@ Satish,

Your comment is completely understandeable. Sorry!! No matter how hard you try, you cannot be as mysterious as Miss Alabama.

Solitaire said...

@ Badshah,

Too late. The golden words were uttered 14 years ago with a winning title!

Sweetstickychewy said...

I think Ms alabama is having a conflict in her interests. She needs some tweezers..hehehe..:P


ishqia said...

live forver with him in heavens..