May 6, 2008

Multiple Personality

I once had multiple personality disorder but now we are doing fine.
What about you?


Keshi said...

**I once had multiple personality disorder but now we are doing fine.
What about you?

WE are doing fine? That means u still hv it.


Me..o well I live with all my Keshis. They make me who I am. ;-)


Crimson Feet said...

when are all of you coming to India? we are waiting.

D said...

Blogrolling you!

Solitaire said...

@ Keshi,

You too? Not surprised!

Solitaire said...

@ Crimson,

Neither of us are coming any time soon. Sorry. Are any of you coming to the US?

Solitaire said...

@ D

Which one of us did you blogroll now?

Crimson Feet said...

we have been considering the option... if so many of you insist, it shall be tough to deny :)

A Benevolent Sultan for Life said...

Once I had this multiple vision disorder .

So I was explaining mom how I actually saw 3 rasgulla instead of 2.
Mom took one of em, passing the second to my dad and asked me have the third one . since then I don't suffer from any such syndrome.

Unknown said...

ek hi kaafi hai... this world is just not strong enuf for something more than 1!

ek myan mein do talwar nahi rehsakte!
wot to do... we are like this wonly...

Hiren said...

cooll .... which one of you has written this post ? and are all of you in the same profession .... itne saare pschologists ek saath ... :)

Neetal said...

Thank God all are doing fine... because ... just the other day... one of mine had some issues with other two of you :D

hehe... you are funny Solitaireben !

You come up with really good ones :)

S&S (short and sweet) is my Fav of all the blogs!

Ankur said...

hehe... i agree to keshigirl!!! :)

i dont have any till date... i m wat i m ;)


Swati said...

LOL !! you are too witty..all of you i mean

Satish Bolla said...

i felt the same as keshi. i mean the doubt abt u still having the MPD....

anyways, i don't have much of this MPD thing like the gal in "tell me ur dreams" but i do suffer from a mix of emotions sometimes...

Anonymous said...

Right, that explains the little hexablogger universe you've, I mean you all have got here.

Sam said...

oh well!! we are doing fine.. absolutely fine!!!
so wot plans do you have now??

Rakesh said...

started with i and ended with we....what u want to tell from this specific..

humbl devil said...

the comments were much more humorous than the actual thing!!!

i just shot humbl!!!

Rakesh said...

hey it..still u r suffering..intelligently described

Nirmal said...

me not that fine....well trying to accomodate all of them at one place ...and till date sucessful too....

u know where...
next time when u drop down to mumbai come to mulund and ther u will find

gP said...

I have an imaginary chicken growing out of me every time im hungry....i like to eat it at times. doesnt this count as MPD?

Pavi!!!! said...

Hhaha..n yeah...remem i discovered that u have multiple personalities before u declared it????

There is definetly more than 1 pavi...but not too many! n they coexist v.v.v was never a disorder!

Solitaire said...

@ Pavi,

Yes...was too shy to declare it then but now I am thinking..what the hell...go for it! Even if there are many Pavis who coexist peacefully, it makes it a disorder!! Welcome to the club!

Solitaire said...

@ Crimson,

Try and get a group discount while flying.

Solitaire said...

@ Tyro,

Haha! That was a quick cure!

Solitaire said...

@ Iceman,

Arey baap I am scared of you!

Solitaire said...

@ Hiren,

Who wrote what? I don't know who you talking about. Do I know her?

Solitaire said...

@ Neeku,

Thanks!!!! Did you resolve your issues with the other two? I don't really talk to them, you know.

Solitaire said...

@ Ankur,

Only one....not happening!

Solitaire said...

@ Swati,

Trust have not met all of them. And some of them can be nasty!! But the witty ones usually beat them up!

Solitaire said...

@ Rakesh,

Tune toh joke ka pura popat kar diya. Cannot forgive you for this.

Solitaire said...

@ Nirmal,

None of us plan on coming to India. Its a pity..won't get to meet any of you crowded in that one place.

Solitaire said...

@ Ghost,

I think its more like schizophrenia!

Anonymous said...

We are doing fine too.. I hear one of saying a hello to you.

Pavi!!!! said...

@Sol : one Pavi is "all excited n happy tht she has a disorder"
the other one feels "No Big Deal"
another one is "sulking abt having discovered that she has a disorder"
yet another one has "no clue wat to make of all these reactions!!"

thats how the reaction of Pavi(s) is typicallllly to anything!!!!!
So wat do all of you think??

Pri said...

i thought i just posted a comment here...but am not too sure might just be my alter playing tricks again :-/

Tuhin said...

I had an ACL surgery. They used a cadaver and we are doing fine too!

Rià said...

Well i still suffer from MPD. I behave differently at different times and at times i myself dont hav an explanation to why i behaved in a certain way!! :D thts me!!

Deepali said...

Hehe a friend had this on his T-shirt of his. We had a hugeeeeeee laugh not cause of the line because a friend of us didn't understand it at all cause she didn't know what MPD was.

So we actually sat down to explain to her and she didn't believe us.

Anonymous said...

i m the one with biggest personality disorder amongst all the bloggers. i wud bet if anyone wud better me ?

good one day, messy the other day, pissed off the other, angry other day and list goes on...........

Karthik S said...

Actually there are so many fights among them but only a few are suffering... today morning two were fighting about getting up or not...third one was nicely sleeping not perturbed by the other two... but the fourth one was getting late to office...fifth one was really getting tired of managing all the others... sigh :-(

Glad to know that u r all doing fine.

Solitaire said...

@ J,

which one said hello to who?

Solitaire said...

@ Pavi,

That you need a psychologist!

Solitaire said...

@ Pri,

You suffer from short term memory loss too? Geez...that complicates things!

Solitaire said...

@ Tuhin,


Solitaire said...

@ ria,

I order all of them to be in therapy!

Solitaire said...

@ Deepali,

Realllllly? Well there are a lot of things that we all don't know about...but MPD is kinda becoming a fad now!

Solitaire said...

@ Ashu,

I doubt that you have a multiple personality disorder though.

Solitaire said...

@ Karthik,

We all have our ups and downs, kinda like you do too, but we manage, just like you all do.

Pavi!!!! said...

Hhahaha ..i'm begn to see the ulterior motive behind this post
;-) To convince everyone that they need therapy!!

PS: One pavi loves this post, another is mad at u for getting her addicted to blogs and anothr pavi is convinced u need a psychologist ;-)

Anonymous said...

Who are you talking about???

Solitaire said...

@ J,

Hello! I just put Solitaire to bed. She will respond to you when she wakes up. Thank you!

Solitaire said...

@ Pavi,

They are all named Pavi!! Damn! You REALLY need a psychologist! :p

Nirmal said...

ok one of my personalities bad luck.....
i thought atleast one will have a beautiful girl friend...

**the angry one hits my colleague**

Soham Shah said...

Oh no, not again !! I surely dont want more cousins now!! bas bhi karo !!

badshah khan said...

I become the best of Humans in the night .......

Solitaire said...

@ Nirmal,

Poor colleague.
He had not been hit for a long time though!

Solitaire said...

@ Soham,

You already had them! You just did not know!

Solitaire said...

@ Badshah,

And otherwise?????????????

AmitL said...

We four are also fine.thanks,thanks,thanks,thanks.

Rakesh said...

ek bar galti to maph ho sakti hai bhai...kabhi kabhi serious majak bhi karna chaye.

Anonymous said...

ahhh well.. this dint surprise me enuf :P

Sweetstickychewy said...

As for me, i have my multiple personality order and i don't think its dis

It feels Naturalll...and keeps me interested in my person!;)


Solitaire said...

@ Amit,

Only 4? Baaki gunge hai?

Solitaire said...

@ Sweetsticky,

Its just like the crazy person who says, "Let me go! I am not crazy!"

Solitaire said...

@ Veens,

What? you already knew this?!

Solitaire said...

@ Rakesh,

OK! Maaf kiya!

Anonymous said...

i have a very small body.. and it doesnt have space to acocmodate many personalities...