May 22, 2008

Pull and Pray

Here it is!


humbl devil said...

so those not in the know...plz proceed to chk those 166 comments in a new light!!!

ceedy said...


now the curtain raises and everything mentioned will start to make sense...

agree with humble :)

Keshi said...

lol that was funny!


Occasional Brilliance said...

lolz!!! oh me gawd!!!

Pavi!!!! said...


Neetal said...

hai ram... AAAaaa Meaning hato ?

Che che !I took the interpretation way off the tangent...

Nirmal said...

hehe got it late

gP said...

i knew must be something like this. sigh.

Vishesh said...

i should have known...another new thing in my crap book...

Vishesh said...

and if i had bothered doing the crude tamil translation of it,i would have been right...

Solitaire said...

@ Humble,

The number is growing! Its amazing! Its like the praying did not work!

Solitaire said...

@ Ceedy,

And some people will slap their foreheads and gawk at the screen!

Solitaire said...

@ Keshi,

You bet!

Solitaire said...

@ Pavi,

Looks like you enjoyed the most!

Solitaire said...

@ Bubbles,

I laughed so much after reading your response in the previous post. You should read it again!!

Solitaire said...

@ Neeku,

Yes dear! Did you read my response to your second comment in the previous post. You should!! There was a hint there.

Solitaire said...

@ Nirmal,

Yeah!! Must have had a good night's sleep after that.

Solitaire said...

@ Ghost,

Haha!! You mean this confirmed it!?

Solitaire said...

@ Vishesh,

Haha!! You can still go ahead do it!

Unknown said...

Wasn't that the obvious answer? I thought u were looking for some other answer... :P

gP said...

yeh...hemmm...the religious thing threw me off-track.

Rià said...

Finally the answer's out!!cud hav never guessed this actually! :)

Solitaire said...

@ Iceman,

Did you check some answers out there?

Right from God to classes to religious leaders to temples to socks!!!!!!!!!!

Mysterious Mia said...


AmitL said...

hahaha..I missed the previous post,so,I read the answer first.:)

ishqia said...

ewwe.. really i have learned things on ur blogs

Am In Trance said...

What ???
It Works Or Not ???

IncorrigibleV said...

hmmm now thats enlightening, but not very effective as the experienced seem to have said!