May 19, 2008


This week's guest question comes from Ankur (the birthday boy on Saturday!)

"Why do we wear clothes?"


Nirmal said...


for guys...

so that no pole blocks our vision..

for gals..

so that no pole gets erected...


RADhika said...

because we cannot wear leaves all the time! c'mon!

Keshi said...

Ankur u wanna be naked? okkkay!

**"Why do we wear clothes?"

so that terrible accidents can be prevented and lives can be saved.


g-man said...

some people actually wear clothes? :P

Keshi said...

Sol I want ur opinion in my today's post..cos it's do with psychology..I think so :)


Keshi said...

I dun wear clothes all the time btw...I wear a smile/frown sometimes ;-)


Ankur said...

hey thanks...

looks like this is the best bday i had in long time... :D :D

presents everywhere... thankya :)


Nirmal said...

hey ankur...belated wishes yaar..

Hiren said...

so theres something to take off :)

Chakoli said...


no compulsion at all....;-))) remove them...

Rakesh said...

i don't wear cloth but i wear shirt and pants made of cloth not to embr.... other...:D

Unknown said...

Skin, Hair, Boobs, Bellies, Penises and Vulvas get so boring and bland after some time! (Try watching American Pie: The Naked Mile and you'll get what I'm talking about.)

Though Curves and Muscles are always welcome. Sadly, few own those.

Sam said...

ermm.. coz not all moments are the best moments!! ;)

Gunjan Aylawadi said...

to enhance pplz imaginations :P

gP said...

coz we go no fur.

Rià said...

we wear clothes coz not everybody looks good wthout them!! :D

Macadamia The Nut said...

We 'wear' them because they're not edible :|
If they were (edible that is), we'd be eating them instead and wearing pizzas instead.


:D How pathetic can I get anyway :D

Anonymous said...

CLOTHES? I guess to ummmmmmmm
Heck, Why do we wear them? LOL!!

Crimson Feet said...

In Japan, they have launched lingeries that can be charged with solar power, and they can then be used to charge small devices like cell phones and ipods. The ironic part is that the clothes in question need to be exposed to sunlight while they are put on.

So yes, some of us can, in the due course, safely say that we wear clothes so that we can charge our cellphones!

Anonymous said...

Male birds are known to sing melodious tunes in hopes of attracting female mating partners.

In the case of Homo sapiens, though, they practice regular expression of manliness by donning mildly impressive polymer-like substances commonly known as "clothes" in the community and thus attract partners.

However, females are known to express themselves more, than the opposite sex, using this manner of capturing attention. Although this kind of peculiar behavior from a species makes up for an interesting pair up between the males and the females, the homosapien community is known more for taking into consideration other factors such as emotions, mental compatibility before they end up in a biotic relationship.

This so-called scientific abstract was in no way based on any kind of inspiration from Sir Attenborough.


gypsy said...


* leaves arent that fashionable*

*global warming in not on full mode yet*

*Each age is a reaction to previous u can see the chronology :P*

*What will happen 2 designers then?*

i have lots more...

Ankur said...

@nirmal's blog

**so that no pole blocks our vision..

really :P
means u think u will still look at poles leavin d rest :P



Ankur said...


hehe... which means we have to wear something, is it ???


Solitaire said...

@ Nirmal,


Solitaire said...

@ Radhika,

Ya..after all we are trying to save trees right?

Solitaire said...

@ Keshi,


Motor accidents or some other kind?

Solitaire said...

@ G-man,

What do you wear?

Ankur said...


**Ankur u wanna be naked? okkkay!

keshi i do get naked everyday...

now dont think dirty, i do shower everyday ;) ;)

**so that terrible accidents can be prevented and lives can be saved.

u think we will still be driving cars ;)


Solitaire said...

@ Keshi,

And I wear my heart on my sleeve.

Solitaire said...

@ Ankur,

You are welcome! Are you coming back to answer everyone?

Ankur said...



Ankur said...


**I wear a smile/frown sometimes

and tats the best thing to wear isnt :)


Ankur said...


thanks man :)


Ankur said...


i m askin abt wearing those n u talkin abt removing ;)


Ankur said...


oh so looking u naked others will be embarrased, and by wat may we know :D :D


Ankur said...


oh so u r bored of them, eh?


Ankur said...


oh really, but then we do "take off" without them :P



Solitaire said...

@ hiren,

Why the extra work? Don't wear them in the first place!

Solitaire said...

@ Chakoli,

You first!

Solitaire said...

@ Rakesh,


Ankur said...


hehe... but cant we make them all? ;)


Ankur said...


oh certainly!!! :P
then we do dream a lot ;)


Ankur said...

@ghost particle

hehe, we have got furs, cant u see them ;)



Ankur said...


well said, but then how do u know :P :P



Ankur said...

@macadamia the nut

u came up with the best possible one...

do u know that eatable lingeries come and they are used for pleasure ;)

try tat sometime and u need not to eat pizzas, they come in chocolate flavor too :P :P


**How pathetic can I get anyway

more than this... just try it out :D


Solitaire said...

@ Alok,

They do get boring?? So clothes bring in novelty? Interesting.

Solitaire said...

@ Sam,

Then we should technically be wearing them at the not so good moments I suppose?

Solitaire said...

@ Gunj,

With or without clothes, some people can do wonders with their fantasies.

Solitaire said...

@ Ghost,

Some people me!

g-man said...

i wear the skin of that which was my enemy >:)

@ ankur: why the huh?

Ankur said...


hehe... think think... u will eventually think of something ;) ;)


Ankur said...

@crimson feet

oh wow... well done dood :P :P
good research :P



Ankur said...


i m thoroughly impressed :D



P.S. r u a scientist/researcher????

Ankur said...

@d sinner!!!

* leaves arent that fashionable*
they are, check FTv

*global warming in not on full mode yet*
then it would never be or we wont be living to see it in full swing!!!

*Each age is a reaction to previous u can see the chronology :P*
i cant c any :P

*What will happen 2 designers then?*
there wont be any ;)

*i have lots more...*
come up... dont be shy :D :D



Ankur said...


some ppl wear wat they like to but we still call them clothes, isnt :)

g-man said...

@ ankur: you normies are weird...

Ankur said...


haha... but then who isnt ;)



ceedy said...

because attitude does not have a physical form

gP said...

@Ankur...furry people. i imagine! :p

g-man said...

o0o look, a birdie!!!

Nirmal said...

even i dint get ..

y do we wear clothes???....i mean gals look great without that...

i guess shud ban tat..hmmm

Anonymous said...

cause exhibitionism is not a turn on for all of us... (sadly)

Ankur said...


well certainly it doesnt!!!
or may be it does, cant u c tat with ones face, walkin, talkin, thinkin, and a lot many other things???

it may be difficult to comprehend for everyone but it does have some physical form or other!!!

and then do we necessarily have to hide one physical form with other (by wearing clothes)???



Ankur said...

@ghost particle

oh.. u already have started imagining... read solitaires reply to gunj ;)


Ankur said...


r u tryin to tell me tat birds arent wierd???


Ankur said...


who didnt u get, eh?

well... girls do look gr8 without them but they look awesome too in them, isnt :)


Ankur said...


bhai... par sabhi naked hoge toh kaisi exhibition???


Toon Indian said...

actually it's a long story.Once upon a time there was a guy and girl(call them Adam and Eve or Obama and Hillary whatever)..they were living very happily in their pri-mordial environment, eating from trees, fresh meat by killing animals from clubs etc, they had a great relationship(intimate physical), with no obstructions, boundaries and all, then one day Eve(or Hillary) saw a beautiful tiger with strips and all , and begged, cajoled and threatened Obama to get him his skin.Hillary then wrapped the tiger's skin around her and felt good, then she told obama you have no "SHAME" put on something.

that is how, we started wearing clothes!!!!!

Solitaire said...

@ Ria,

so does that mean that those who look good without them should not wear them?

Solitaire said...

@ Macadamia,

You know that you can get edible underwear in adult stores?

Solitaire said...

@ cinder,

You tell me!

Solitaire said...

@ Crimson,

OMG! I thought you were making it up! Seriously, we are getting weirder day by day..mankind that is..

Solitaire said...

@ Anonymous,

I am going bonkers reading your comment! It looks like an in-depth analysis and an excerpt out of a dissertation or something!

Solitaire said...

@ D sinner,

Leaves ARE fashionable! Try wearing them...

Solitaire said...

@ Ceedy,

Mujhe kuch samjha nahi..not even Ankur's response to you.

Solitaire said...

@ Nirmal,

Do you think all gals look good without clothes? Tcch are really blinded by the female sex.

Solitaire said...

@ Samby,

Exhibitionism always has had a negative connotation.

Solitaire said...

@ Rahul,

I LOVE your story!! Very creative...and hard hitting, in a funny way!

Nitin said...

So that there will be atleast some difference b/w human and animal

Ankur said...


haha :P :P

funny it sounds :P


Ankur said...


**So that there will be atleast some difference b/w human and animal

so which means if animals will start wearing clothes there will be no difference, eh?


r u tryin to emphasize the fact that we do have furs!!!


Solitaire said...

@ Ankur,

Your response to Nitin is soooo funny!!

Keshi said...

Sol it can be any kinda accidents...road or home. D u think I can cook w.o. burning my hands if my uncle/aunt walked naked in front of me?

And yes Sol, I wear my heart and lungs on my sleeve too lol!

Ankur...I shower with my jeans n T on. :):) kidding!


Pavi!!!! said...

To leave something to the imagination of the onlookers! Otherwise there'll be no work for the brains rite????

Ankur said...


thnxx :D :D

i hope i m upto it :D


Ankur said...


oh wow keshi... i wasnt askin abt shower in public ;) ;)

lolzz... kiddin :D


Nirmal said...

****you are really blinded by the female sex.*****

i really njoy getting blinded by female

Coco said...

to make a statement to one another : )

to keep warm...

to hide...

take care!

Rakesh said...

Ankur-janam din mubarak ho andar ki baat hai dost.
Solitare-Please read the other's comment...aur u want to know about is software tool for image processing,statistical analysis etc....i think this is enough information for u...:D

Chakoli said...

Ahhh thast what if we have no reasons... better to remove themmm


g-man said...

@ sol: sorry for using this as a conversation window...

@ ankur: the birdie thing was a clever scheme to try to change the subject :P

Occasional Brilliance said...

because you dont want to see what some people look like naked... [:P] happy budday ankur (belated though it is)...

Nitin said...

No.. what I mean was other way...if human stops wearing it.. then it will be hard differentiate

D said...

Because beauty is not just skin deep!

Vishesh said...

well the b'day wants to be in his b'day dress i guess..

seriously i like asking the question to people...the thing if we didn't "we will be rolling like animals" (my account master's quote,conveniently being used in the wrong sense)

Solitaire said...

@ Keshi,

Haha! That thought is funny!

Solitaire said...

@ Vishesh,

The birthday boy wanted everyone to be in their birthday suit on his birthday!!

Solitaire said...

@ D,

Haha. Conveniently used in the wrong sense.

Solitaire said...

@ Nitin,

I will let Ankur answer that.

Solitaire said...

@ Bubbles,

You don't? That's what Nirmal wants!

Solitaire said...

@ Chakoli,

What about the winter?

AmitL said...

I'm sure all nudists also ask this question,Solitaire.Tradition has ingrained upon our minds that clothes(Forming a part of roti,kapda aur makaan basics ) are a must, a necessity,both,as protection from the weather elements and for distinguishing ourselves from the rest of the world.

Another interesting theory I have is that clothes are like exteriors anywhere- they happily camouflage the interior,right from the tyres to the oranges to the bananas to the lemons..OMG..what did I just say?ROFL.Couldn't resist that quip.So,we like to wear these exteriors.

AmitL said...

Oops,I forgot-if we wear only leaves in a place like Baroda,the goats,cows and other menagerie which roam around the streets would have a merry time,gobbling them up alongwith some pvt parts..too scary!!!!Clothes it is.

Sam said...

ummm... not possible... technically u knw.. not at all!!

ceedy said...

@solitaire and ankur

ignore my response....the explanation will not be short....

if interested it is referencing to the book "ascent of man - dr. jacob bronowski" - where he dwells not only into clothing but many other facets that attribute to our evolution and our existence

I think I got carried away.

And about Ankurs response...will let him explain

Solitaire said...

@ Rakesh,

Still very confused!

Kanan said...

I think because others wear them. If no one wore them, then we wouldn't mind not wearing them.

Ankur said...

will reply to all in the evening... a lil busy with work :(


Rakesh said...

kya yaar u did not get my wordings...i just told not to embarrass others....thats all.

Crimson Feet said...

@ankur... thanks! :)

@ sol --- i was OK without the clarification on "we"

@ nut --- i was about to write EXACTLY the same thing, and then i realised, as you did too, that i was being pathetic ;).

Solitaire said...

@ Crimson,

You never know! These days everyone seems to be wearing their heart on their sleeve.

Ankur said...


most of the ppl do the same, u rnt above average then :P


Ankur said...


haha... hide from whom???

and to keep urself warm u can always stand on a gas burner too :P


Ankur said...


thnx :)

nahi... yeh bahar ki baat hai :P


Ankur said...


exactly ;)

so whos stopping you ;)


Ankur said...


oh... so u agree that u changed the subject.. is it :O



Ankur said...

@bubbles of firewhisky

Thnxxx :)

haha, so u wear them so tat others do wear... and then u look at someone whos doesnt look good without clothes and say... WOW

superb logic boss ;) ;)



Ankur said...


yep i agree, but then y do we hide it ?


Ankur said...


'his b'day dress':- did ya come with clothes on ;)



Ankur said...


so u dont believe u rnt a nudist??? is it...

surprised surprised!!!

well to distinguish urself with the world, there are a lot many other things one can do... but whether clothes can really do tat, i wonder!!!! :)


Ankur said...


dont tell me u not being a nudist still watch the private parts of animals...
:P :P

plzzz... get a brk ;)


Ankur said...


wats not possible??


Ankur said...


hehe... bro i can read leangth :)

when r u explaning me :D :D


Ankur said...


haha... so u an ardent follower of wat everyone do :P :P


Ankur said...

@Crimson feet

oh... u dont know how one sounds sarcastic :P :P


thnx neways ;)


Kanan said...

Ankur, no no not like that. I mean if people actually started not wearing anything, others will follow. It's like the society sets the trends you know and this one was set long back and no one has cared to change it. ;)

Until someone actually comes and changes it! :P

Ankur said...


then be the one... start the trend... i will follow this time ;) :P



AmitL said...

LOL..Ankur,I guess u skipped reading some part of my comment:
*if we wear only leaves in a place like Baroda,the goats,cows and other menagerie which roam around the streets would have a merry time,gobbling them up alongwith some pvt parts..too scary!!!!*

What it means,in simple terms is,the menagerie roaming around the Baroda roads,would delightedly gobble up any leaves u're wearing,and,in their hurry,probably gobble up some pvt parts too!

As for me not being a nudist,well,not yet!ROFL-at least,not in public.

Stupidosaur said...

Arrey yaar agar hum log kapdey nahin pehnenge toh textile industry waley, desingners, darzi aur kapdey ki dukaan waaley roti aur makaan kaise kharidengey?

I tell you its all the conspiracy of the lobbyists. Just like tobacco industry.

Its all politics and the moolah because of which cigarattes and clothes haven't been banned everywhere yet ;)

ishqia said...

clothes are for protection.. not only physical, but sexual , and inner protection..

so we must choose good clothes that protects us, gives confidence